Pop-Up Dining To The Office With Hog Roast Balbriggan

Hog Roast BalbrigganAt Hog Roast Balbriggan we value our business partners immensely. Whether they are a global partner with massive events and lofty requirements, or it is our more local independent partners who began at grass-roots much like ourselves, Hog Roast Balbriggan caters equally to both and is ready to support our partners with any corporate event requirements or business catering.

One such occasion came calling this past week as the Hog Roast Balbriggan were called out to a surprise staff lunch from one of our local partners. This corporate partner has been with us for quite some time, joining our roster of corporate partners very close to when we first stepped into corporate catering. We love having any opportunity to work with them, and though this one was a quick one it was great to work with them again all the same.

Hog Roast BalbrigganHaving had a more successful winter than usual, our partner wanted to come into spring with a treat for their staff, and so Hog Roast Balbriggan were called for a pop-up lunch service wherein we served hot rolls and fresh salads. This kind of pop-up service is where the versatility and usefulness of our mobile hog roasting machines comes in handy. We were able to begin our roast early in the day off-site, and once it was close to ready we could easily pack it into our van and head on over to our partner’s office so that the surprise would be immediate and ready to go. The Hog Roast Balbriggan team was able to wheel our hog roast throughout the office block, serving out fresh hog roast rolls with fillings taken directly from the roasted pig and placed in a roll with apple sauce or chilli sauce condiments. It’s meals on wheels, but cooked and served to a high-class dining standard! Our surprise lunch went down a hit, and again thanks to our mobile machine we were just as quick out the door as we came in – no mess or hassle left behind, just very satisfied lunch-goers!

This is just one of the many benefits of being a corporate partner of Hog Roast Balbriggan. Our corporate catering can help out your business and its events in many other exciting ways, so just call us anytime and let’s start talking!