Mid-Year Check-in at Hog Roast Newmarket

Hog Roast IrelandIt feels like just yesterday that the Hog Roast Newmarket team were finishing up Christmas services on cold winter nights, and now miraculously it is already summer and we’re fishing the barbecue back out. Time flies while you’re having fun at events, I guess!

With the year going flying by at rapid pace, we thought would we take a brief opportunity to slow things down even if just for a moment to have a quick look at the how the 2024 has been at Hog Roast Newmarket. Now is as good a time as any to do so, not only because it is now exactly halfway through the year, but also because when it comes to a caterer’s calendar, the latter half of the year does tend to be the much busier period as it is when wedding season rises to its peak, and it includes the long Christmas season from November to January as well. We want to be at our best for these periods, so to do so it only makes sense to quickly look back and see how we can continue on in style or adjust where needed.

We’ve massively enjoyed 2024 so far. It has been a fairly smooth sailing year in terms of events so far. The easter period was productive for us as we ran our special easter surprise promotion, and with May ending up being the warmest to date in the UK, we got to some great outdoor dining earlier than typically anticipated too. We love a good barbecue at Hog Roast Newmarket, but with the British weather being as it is we don’t always get too many opportunities to fish it out, especially not earlier than say, June or even July in some years.

On the corporate catering end we have enjoyed a lot of time with clients both old and new too. It’s always great to see your older clients returning to you again as it means our service has become trusted, but equally so we love getting to meet new businesses – it’s always a good show of the growth of Hog Roast Newmarket’s reputation as a corporate caterer when more and more new clients come calling.

Hog Roast IrelandNow begins the wedding season where we cannot wait to bring some of our most extravagant dining for the year to our customers. If you’ve got us coming already or are thinking about hiring us, we cannot wait to see you soon!