Hog Roast Tralee Halloween Party

Well, it is finally that time of year again…Halloween. For those with young children, this means finding the perfect costume and going out trick or treating. For the rest of us, it tends to mean watching lots of scary movies and stuffing our faces with the sweets and chocolates supposed to be for the trick or treaters- let’s admit it we are all guilty!

Hog Roast TraleeFor Hog Roast Tralee this is another busy time of year as more and more of our clients look to put on various different Halloween parties, encouraging everyone to dress up and enjoy the night together. This year Hog Roast Tralee had been contacted by client Ellen who wanted to put on a Halloween Party for all of her family and friends. She told us over the phone that her ideal event would involve catering setting up nice and early on to provide food for the children before they head out trick or treating- at least that way they would be sure to have some hearty food too not just sugar and sweets. Ellen then wanted a second round of carting for the older guests who would be spending the evening indoors socialising and participating in their own Halloween themed games.

With two separate serve times, Hog Roast Tralee had our work cut out for us yet again but we assured Ellen we were the only people of the job. Children tend to be fussy eaters and so our head chef prepared a childproof yet healthy menu of butchers selection sausages served up in buns with onions and a choice of ketchup or mustard. Of course, as a treat, there were some chips too!

Once the kids had left we got to the main event of our Hog Roast Tralee. We never before have served our hog roast to witches, vampires and zombies but were happy to give it a go and can report that even supernatural beings enjoy our Hog Roast Tralee too!