Hog Roast Westport delivers a meal in honour of Baby Keegan!

New parents Ginny and Ed were Hog Roast Westport’s latest Clients. The pleased as punch couple were thrilled when they hired the team to deliver a tasty buffet for their small family event that celebrated the birth of their bouncing baby boy.

Clients Ginny and Ed wanted a very simple, but very tasty buffet delivered for them and their 6 guests. They were initially concerned that the Hog Roast Westport team wouldn’t cater for such a small guest list, but their fears were soothed easily because the team deals with any size of event- from just one or two guests up to several hundred!

Hog Roast WestportThe catering package that the Clients opted for was a straight forwards Gourmet Delivery. The food would be prepared by friendly Chef Nathan at the Hog Roast Westport kitchens and then delivered, along with disposable crockery and cutlery to the Clients home where the party was taking place.

As the buffet was to be delivered at 4pm, Chef Nathan arrived at the Westport team kitchen nice and early to begin preparation, so that when the buffet was delivered it would be nice and hot and ready to enjoy. The food would be put in large metal transport trays as soon as it was ready, this was to keep it safe and warm during the journey to the Clients home.

The buffet that Clients Ginny and Ed wanted was simple but based around slow spit roasted chicken and chipolata sausage, this was served with a delicious homages onion gravy. As well as that there were platters of piping hot vegetables and a tray of warm new potatoes in an herb butter. Finishing off the buffet was a tray of soft gluten free rolls and an assortment of dips and sauces. The Clients selected not to have any vegan or vegetarian options at the buffet as their guests didn’t require it.

As soon as the buffet was ready Chef Nathan packed it safely away in the transport trays, it was delivered to the Clients exactly on time. Clients Ed and Ginny were thrilled and could serve the delicious meal straight to their guests!

Later on Chef Nathan returned to collect the rubbish. The Clients were thrilled and thanked him and the whole team for their hard work, their celebration had been a great success.