Getting The Family Together Again With Hog Roast Birr

Are you sitting at home and thinking to yourself that 2020 should just be written off? If you’re nodding right now, just know that you’re not the only one! But as the country begins to cautiously find its footing in these new and uncharted waters, we want you to know that our team at Hog Roast Birr has been working tirelessly to support our new and existing customers by serving our soul-nourishing food to the socially-distanced masses up and down the country.

Hog Roast BirrSo, if you’ve spent the past three months cooped up and craving an authentic hog roast, now is the time to give us a call and satisfy your appetite!

Just last week the Hog Roast Birr catering crew eased back into the swing of things with a small family get-together which saw our team prepare the classic hog roast menu for a group of around 20 people. The host, Lauren had given us a call a few weeks before the event was set to take place; where she informed our team that the party was in aid of some big news she had been keeping well under wraps from even her closest family and friends!

Eager to give Lauren and her family the best reunion possible, the Hog Roast Birr catering team set off towards the client’s home in the early hours of the morning, allowing themselves plenty of time to prepare the feast. With the scorching heatwave sending the temperature soaring into the high-twenties, her party couldn’t have been better timed!

Shielding themselves from the hot rays, our team worked under the protection of the catering gazebo to whip up a lightly charred hog roast with sides of stuffing, applesauce, fresh salad and gluten-free rolls. The arriving guests were pleasantly surprised that they had made it just in time to witness our team carve up the golden-coloured pig, to reveal a centre of juicy, fork-tender meat.

With everyone seated and happily munching away on over-filled rolls of applesauce-drizzled pork, Lauren and her husband Paul finally revealed the exciting news that they were expecting, which resulted in cheers from the whole family!